Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Terms

Disclaimer: Terms in this glossary are provided for general information only and should not be taken as constituting professional advice from the website owner – the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).


The words in brackets do not form part of the term. Where 'Business names' and/or 'SMSF auditors' appears in brackets alongside a term, this denotes the definition is only to be used in reference to the relevant register. These terms do not apply to any other ASIC services.

Viewing entries beginning with 'J'

Joint venture (Business names)

A contractual arrangement under which two or more entities carry on an activity for a single purpose. It might be implemented by various business structures: a trust, a joint venture company or joint venture partnership. For the purposes of the Business Names Register, a joint venture partnership is two or more entities that apply for a business name, each with their own Australian Business Number (ABN).