Frequently asked questions
General questions
- What is a search?
- Why would I use an information broker to perform a search?
- Is there a replacement for the National Names Index (NNI) search?
- Why do my search results look different to the results from the NNI?
- How can I find my company's BPAY reference number for ASIC payments?
- Is there a replacement for the Identical Names Check search?
- Do I need to provide personal details to search the ASIC registers?
- What can I do if my search produces no results?
- Why are my details publicly available?
Searching the ASIC Register
- What information can I search for on the ASIC register?
- How do I find a company's Australian company number (ACN)?
- How do I check if a company name is available?
- How do I search for a deregistered company?
- I don't have a document number. How do I find the document I need?
- When I search for a document, it states 'Not available'. What does this mean?
- Can I view a document that has been withdrawn from the ASIC register?
- How do I get information on the address of a company?
- How do I search for details of a company's financial statements and report?
- How do I search for a company charge?
- I have a company extract and cannot find a member of the company. How do I find out more information?
- The information I'm looking for is not available in a standard search. How can I find it?
- The ABN link on the business name summary isn't working. What should I do?
- The information displayed in the search summary results on ASIC Connect appears to be incorrect. What should I do?
- How do I update my details in ABN Lookup?
- My company is a charity. Why is your information out of date?
Payment and Fee Questions
- Why do I have to pay for my search products?
- What are the fees for search products?
- Do I have to pay postage and handling if my product is sent by mail?
- Will I be charged GST?
- How can I pay for my search products?
- Can anyone access my credit card details once I pay for my products?
- How do I view my payment receipt?
- I have ordered the wrong product. Can I get a refund?
Search Products
- How do I receive my products once I have paid for them?
- What format will I receive my products in?
- What is the difference between free information and a paid product?
- The information on the product I purchased appears to be incorrect. What should I do?
- Why is the product I purchased online different to the extract I purchased through a paper lodgement?
- What is an ASIC certified document?
- What documents can be ASIC certified?
- Can I get multiple copies of certified documents at the same time?
- What certificates are available from an online search?
- What is the difference between a 'current' and 'current and historical' company extract?
- I purchased a financial report and received an 'XBRL' document. What is it and why did I get it?