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Glossary of terms - N

Terms in this glossary are provided for general information only and should not be taken as constituting professional advice from the website owner – the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

The words in brackets do not form part of the term. Where business names appears in brackets alongside a term, this denotes the definition is only to be used in reference to the Business Name Register. These terms do not apply to any other ASIC services.


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Names availability (business names)

A name must be available to an entity before the name can be registered by ASIC. See: Names availability.   

Nominated manager for a debtor representative (business names)

A person appointed by a debtor representative who will carry on a business under the business name during the appointment or authorisation of the debtor representative. The nominated manager does not have the authority to make changes to the Business Names Register.

Non-registered entity

An organisation not registered with ASIC.

Notified successor (business names)

A person who, on the death of an individual business name holder, has reasonable grounds to conclude that they will inherit the assets used by the deceased in carrying on business under the business name.