Banned and disqualified
What is a Banned & Disqualified search?
The Banned & Disqualified search provides information about persons who have been disqualified from involvement in the management of a corporation, or banned from practicing in the financial services or credit industry. Information provided in this search is taken from the following registers:
- Disqualified persons
- Banned securities representatives
- Banned futures representatives
- Australian financial services banned/disqualified persons, and
- Credit banned/disqualified persons.
What details will I see for free?
Information we provide for free includes:
- name
- address
- type of banning or disqualification
- date of commencement
- date of cessation (or whether it is permanent)
- documents available for purchase, and
- a copy of the disqualification or banning document (relating to the credit industry only).
What information can I purchase?
You can purchase the disqualification or banning document (with the exception of a credit banning, which is provided for free), which will provide further information regarding the person's disqualification or banning.