Business name holders - organisations

Business name holders - organisations

What is a 'Business name holder- Organisation search'?

This search allows you to search by an organisation that is a Business Name holder to see the business names they hold.

Where can I find it?

You will be able to search the business names index by selecting the 'Search business names register' tab located on the ASIC connect homepage. 

What information will I see for free?

Information we will provide for free includes:

  • current organisation name details;
  • role/s held;
  • current business name details;
  • former state and territory registration details;
  • current address for service of documents;
  • current principal place of business; and
  • holder type.  

What information can I purchase?

You can purchase a current or a current and historical extract about a business name. You can also purchase a business name holder person and organisation extracts, however this service is not yet available online from ASIC. Go to for more information on how to purchase these extracts.