Check business name availability

Check business name availability

What is a Check business name availability search?

This online search allows you to check if a business name is available for registration. As part of the search, 14 automated tests are applied, and you will be advised whether the name is available, not available or requires review by an ASIC staff member.

Where can I find it?

Select the 'Search business names register' tab located on the ASIC Connect homepage, and choose the 'Check business name availability' option from the drop-down box.

What information will I see for free?

You will see for free whether a business name is available. The availability of a business name will be indicated by a green, amber or red result:

  • green - the business name is available for registration;
  • amber - manual decision  is required by an ASIC staff member; or
  • red - the business name is unavailable.

When should I check if a name is available?

Before you apply to register a business name, you should check if the business name is available for registration. Your proposed name will be rejected if it is considered identical to an already existing business name, or if it fails to meet a names test. 

Find out more about business name availability.