Other information
In addition to the searches provided on this new service, you can access other registers and products from our website, including OFFERlist, BPAY Reference search and company alerts. A full list of services available is provided below.
The ASIC training register
The ASIC training register lists training courses and individual assessment services that have been approved by ASIC authorised assessors as meeting ASIC's training requirements in relation to Regulatory Guide 146 Licensing: Training of financial product advisers (RG 146).
See more information on ASIC's training standards for people who provide financial product advice to retail clients and the ASIC training register.
Credit and ASIC Act infringements
This register records infringement notices paid under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009, the National Consumer Credit Protection Regulations 2010 and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001.
Enforceable undertakings register
Search undertakings that have been accepted by ASIC.
Register of banned bodies corporate
Search information on bodies corporate that are banned from engaging in credit activities by a state or territory or under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009.
Register of trustees for debenture holders
Search information required to be provided by the issuers of debentures relating to the appointment of trustees. It shows appointments made from 1 January 2010.
Here is more information on how this information was provided to ASIC.
Please note, some of these bodies corporate may no longer be registered with ASIC and would be noted in the Organisations and Business Names search as being deregistered companies.
Register of certificates of transfer for licensed trustee companies
Licensed trustee companies provide trustee services to clients which include acting as executor of a will, trustee or under a power of attorney. Here are copies of the certificates of transfer that we have issued following transfer determinations made under these provisions.
Register of unlicensed carried over instrument (COI) lenders
Search all COI lenders notified to ASIC, including any prescribed COI lenders.
An unlicensed COI lender is a credit provider or lessor who will not offer new credit contracts or consumer leases and has opted to comply with the statutory regime rather than register and apply for an Australian credit licence.
Other information and services
BPay reference number search
Search for your Postbillpay or BPay reference number.
Company alerts
Receive email notification when a company you are monitoring lodges a document with ASIC.
The Commonwealth of Australia ASIC Gazettes notices under the Corporations Act, changes of company type, deregistrations and reinstatements, Markets Disciplinary Panel Infringement Notices and unclaimed money (PDF). The commonwealth of Australia Business Gazette contains private company notices.
Information brokers
Information brokers also provide additional services for obtaining this information and may include information on an entity or person from sources other than ASIC.
Insolvency notices website
You can search our Insolvency notices website for insolvency and other notices and company deregistrations.
Search all fundraising offer documents, such as prospectuses, offer information statements, profile statements and product disclosure statements lodged with ASIC from 13 March 2000.
Summary prosecutions of companies and directors
This register lists summary prosecutions undertaken by ASIC against companies and directors. Since 1 July 2002 we have increased the number of prosecutions of people and companies for a variety of alleged breaches of the Corporations Act. Our reasons for doing this include:
- improving the quality of information available to the public, shareholders and members or officers of Australian companies
- assisting external administrators to address ongoing misconduct by company officers
- discouraging the misuse of ASIC's public database, and
- preventing disqualified directors from managing companies.