Business name index
What is a Business Name Index (BNI) search?
The Business Name Index (BNI) search allows you to see what information we hold about a particular business name.
Where can I find it?
You will be able to search the business names index by selecting the 'Search business names register' tab located on the ASIC connect homepage.
What information will I see for free?
Free information includes:
- current business name details (name, date registered, status, cancellation under review, next renewal date and the regulator);
- former state and territory registration details;
- current address for service of documents;
- current principal place of business;
- business name holder name and type; and
- business representative names (debtor representatives and notified successor only)
The search will display the business name holder name and type. Examples of holder types are:
If the holder type is... | ASIC Connect search will show... |
Australian company | Body corporate |
Trust | Other unincorporated entity |
Association | Other unincorporated entity |
Individual | Person |
Partnership | Partnership |
Joint venture partnership | Joint venture |
What information can I purchase?
You can purchase a current and/or historical extract.
Compare free and paid products
Information brokers
Information brokers also provide additional services for obtaining information on our public registers and may include information from sources other than ASIC.