Organisations and business names search
What is an Organisations and Business Names search?
The Organisation and Business Names search provides information on organisations and business names recorded on the ASIC registers.
Some of the organisation types returned when performing this search are:
- companies
- business names
- registered bodies
- foreign companies
- associations
- managed investment schemes, and
- non-registered entities.
What information will I see for free?
The information you receive will depend on the organisation you are searching for.
Some examples of information we provide for free include:
- organisation name
- unique identification number (ABN, ACN, ARBN, ARSN)
- type of company
- registration date
- next review date
- locality of registered office, and
- list of documents lodged with ASIC.
What information can I purchase?
Products available for purchase include:
- current and/or historical extract
- company charges extract
- roles and relationship extract, and
- copy of a certificate showing details of registration of corporation(s).
Compare free and paid products
Information brokers
Information brokers also provide additional services for obtaining information on our public registers and may include information from sources other than ASIC.